April 28, 2017
Link PNG receives first quarter airfare subsidy from Enga Provincial Government
Governor for Enga, Sir Peter Ipatas has presented a K250, 000 cheque last week as part of his provincial government�s first quarter airfare subsidy for this year to Link PNG, a subsidiary company of Air Niugini.
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March 20, 2017
Air Niugini staff awarded Masters Degree in Human Resource Management
Two Air Niugini staff are among eight other Papua New Guineans who have been awarded scholarship by PNG Human Resource Institute(PNGHRI) through the � Brunel Masters Skilim Laif Scholarship� to do a two year Masters Degree program in Human Resource Management at the University of Papua New Guinea.
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March 14, 2017
Air Niugini commences service to Townsville, Australia
Papua New Guineans will soon be able to fly direct to Townsville, Australia to make sure they don�t miss their favorite sporting events, TAFE and university studies and business meetings-thanks to direct flights being launched by Air Niugini. The new flights, to be launched just in time for the NRL season, will also benefit the…
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November 27, 2016
Cardinal’s arrival in Port Moresby
Air Niugini Board Chairman, Sir Frederick Reiher and CEO Simon Foo were among hundreds of Catholic faithfuls who turned up at Jackson’s International airport in Port Moresby as early as 4am on Friday morning to welcome the arrival of PNG’s first ever cardinal, Sir John Ribat.
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