July 21, 2023
Flight Disruptions to Mt. Hagen Due to Unserviceable Firefighting Equipment
Air Niugini’s flight to Kagamuga airport, Mt Hagen this morning (PX 180) and those from yesterday afternoon, PX 186 and PX 188 were disrupted due to unserviceable vehicles responsible for Rescue Fire Fighting Services(RFF). It’s mandatory for the airport authority to ensure these services are available and operational prior to airlines operating into the area, in the unlikely event of an emergency.
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July 17, 2023
Young Boy Begins Journey to Become an Aircraft Engineer
One little boy’s dream of becoming an aircraft engineer has only started. Alex Ontimo, a 15- year old, grade six student at Sevese Morea Primary school at Vabukori village in Port Moresby has always been passionate about airplanes, growing up. It was a dream come true when he visited Air Niugini’s Engineering hangar at 7mile, Jackson’s airport in Port Moresby last Friday, 07 July where he had the opportunity to see what engineers do on a daily basis, saw upfront the aircraft engine, landing gears, tyres and board an Air Niugini aircraft for the first time.
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June 24, 2023
Air Niugini CEO Discusses Schedule Disruptions from Unserviceable Boeing 767
The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon stated that unforeseen technical difficulties with two of our Boeing 767 aircraft, have rendered them both temporarily unserviceable in Brisbane.
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June 14, 2023
Air Niugini Awards Hiri Hanenamo Quest Winners with Airline Tickets
Air Niugini as part of its sponsorship towards this year’s Hiri Moale Festival presented airline tickets to the winners of the Hiri Hanenamo quest in Port Moresby recently. The airline provides travel for winners and contestants with a mix of domestic and international tickets at the total value of over K70,000. Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gary Seddon when presenting the tickets said Air Niugini as the national airline was proud to support a festival that signifies cultural inheritance and contributes to tourism in the country.
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June 13, 2023
Air Niugini Supports PNGDF’s First Female Commanding Officer and Pilot at New Zealand Aviation Summit
Air Niugini has proudly supported the attendance of the head of PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) Air Transport Wing Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col), Nancy Wii at a Women in Aviation rally in Hamilton, New Zealand as this prestigious event’s guest speaker. The national airline has provided Port Moresby/Brisbane return tickets for Lt. Col Wii. Lt. Col Wii climbed the ranks of the PNGDF and was promoted to Commanding Officer in February 2022, and is the first female PNGDF commanding officer, heading the force’s Air Transport Wing, as well as being a pilot.
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May 26, 2023
Air Niugini Announces Safe Aircraft Return After Engine Shutdown
Air Niugini announced the safe return of one of its aircraft following an engine shutdown during a flight this morning, from Port Moresby to Goroka. The prompt and professional response of the airline crew, in accordance with established protocols, ensured the safety and well-being of all passengers and crew on board. This morning, a De Havilland Dash 8-300 aircraft, operating flight PX160 from Port Moresby to Goroka, experienced a technical issue with the Left-Hand engine, having just departed Jacksons Airport, Port Moresby. The flight crew immediately initiated the appropriate actions as per the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). They performed an engine shutdown and having sufficiently reduced the landing weight by burning fuel in a holding pattern, safely returned the aircraft to Jacksons.
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May 24, 2023
Air Niugini Hosts Networking Event for Travel Agents
Air Niugini held a networking event for its travel and ticketing agents in Port Moresby last Thursday (18th May) to brief them on the latest plans and developments within the airline, the first face-to-face meeting since COVID. The event also provided an opportunity for agents to discuss and ask questions about the airline products and anything relating to Air Niugini. Apart from the agents in Port Moresby, there were also those who travelled in from Kieta, Madang, Lae and Goroka for the event. Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gary Seddon thanked the fifty plus agents for attending the event and gave an update on the progress since he joined Air Niugini two months ago. He highlighted several activities including re-fleeting, opportunities to improve customer service and airfares.
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May 23, 2023
Air Niugini Downgrades Flights to Tokua
Air Niugini wishes to advise our valued customers that all our flights to Tokua airport, Rabaul East New Britain have been downgraded to Dash 8 operations due to poor runway conditions. National Airports Corporation(NAC) has issued a Notice to Airmen(NOTAM) to cease jet operations, effective today Tuesday 23rd May while the runway issue is being addressed. Air Niugini will advise when jet operations resume once we get feedback from NAC on the runway works. We regret the inconvenience caused, however the situation is beyond the airline’s control. Safety is always of paramount importance in Air Niugini’s operations.
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May 23, 2023
Air Niugini Leaders Meet with the President of Palau
Acting Air Niugini Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gary Seddon and his executives met with Palau President, Surangel Whipps Jr in Port Moresby over the weekend to deliberate on the current Air Niugini flights between PNG and Palau. Both parties expressed that there are further opportunities to explore to promote the sector, build interest and steadily grow passenger volumes. They further added that by connecting Pacific Islands to drive trade and tourism, it provides an opportunity for Air Niugini to strengthen its position as a regional airline, supporting the sixth freedom traffic which is the right or privilege of operating scheduled international air services via the home state of the carrier to move traffic between the two states.
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May 16, 2023
Air Niugini Partners with YWAM for Dental Health in NCD Schools
National airline, Air Niugini has come on board to support the efforts of YWAM Medical Ships Australia & Papua New Guinea (YWAM MS) Dental Trailer 2023 program by airlifting medical equipment free of charge(FOC) out of Brisbane to Port Moresby last week. The airline uplifted 100kg of dental supplies and equipment free to support the dental trailer program, which is aimed at providing screening, oral health education, and dental procedures to students at schools in Port Moresby.
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April 28, 2023
Air Niugini’s Female Cargo Staff Make History
An Air Niugini employee has created history by being the first and only female staff operating the Main Deck Loader(MDL), an equipment responsible for loading and unloading larger containerised cargo from the main deck of widebody aircraft. Michelle Geekala from East Sepik and Gulf provinces, works with Air Niugini Cargo Department’s operations section and is the only specialised female operator of the MDL equipment.Her most recent task was unloading heavy mining equipment from the main deck of a Boeing 747-400 series freighter here in Port Moresby. While passenger planes carry people with minimal luggage at the cargo hold, freighters specifically uplift cargo, their empty galleys are modified to fit various types of cargo.
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April 20, 2023
Air Niugini’s Commitment to Safety
“Our top priority at Air Niugini is ensuring the highest levels of safety for our passengers, crew, and the public. We are fully committed to this goal and will take all necessary measures to maintain safety standards. This includes the possibility of delaying or cancelling a flight due to factors such as bad weather, security issues, technical problems, or operational requirements. Our dedication to safety is unwavering, and we will not compromise it for any reason.”That’s from Air Niugini’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon following recent flight delays and queries from the traveling public.
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April 20, 2023
Air Niugini Restores Fokker Jet Services to Mount Hagen
Air Niugini wishes to advise the travelling public that the airline has resumed its Fokker jet services to Mount Hagen’s Kagamuga airport, Western Highlands Province effective from Tuesday 18th April 2023. The resumption of Fokker flights follows the completion of runway maintenance and repair works by the National Airports Corporation (NAC). Since the work on the critical section of airport runway commenced on 08th March, Air Niugini has maintained air services to Mount Hagen using smaller Dash-8 aircraft, but with passenger numbers restricted to as few as 23 at times because of the shortened runway.
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April 18, 2023
Air Niugini Aids Operation Open Heart Initiative
Air Niugini provided in kind support to the annual Operation Open Heart (OOH) by flying Australian music legend, Daryl Braithwaite and his four-member band from Melbourne to Port Moresby, where they performed at OOH’s major fundraising event over the weekend.
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April 11, 2023
Air Niugini conducts Dangerous Goods Training using the Competency based training methods
Air Niugini’s recent Dangerous Goods (DG) training was conducted using for the first time, Competency -based Training and Assessments (CBTA) methods as required by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and International Air Transport Association (IATA).Sixteen participants from Puma Energy, Exxon Mobil, DHL, Pentagon Freight Services, Hi-Lift and OK Tedi Mining Ltd were the first batch to use CBTA procedures, which is a new, mandated method of conducting and assessing DG training by ICAO and IATA.
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March 27, 2023
Air Niugini and PNG Tourism Promotion Authority Forge New Partnership
Air Niugini and PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) executives had a meeting yesterday, (Monday 27th March) with the focus to progress a mutually beneficial partnership, for tourism growth across Papua New Guinea.
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